ISCPP2025 VENUE: Russia, Moscow, Miklouho-Maklaya St., 6, RUDN University
МЕСТО ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ КОНГРЕССА ISCPP2025: Россия, г. Москва, Улица Миклухо-Маклая, дом 6,
РУДН им. П.Лумумбы (главное здание).



Dear participants of the Second Congress of the International Society of Clinical Physiology and Pathology ISCPP2024!
We are happy to greet you!

The first ISCPP2023 Congress took place on October 13-14, 2023 with incredible results. 1433 participants were registered, 43 sections, 2 satellite symposia, and one Master class were held. 229 scientific reports and lectures were presented. ISCPP2023 was attended by representatives of 15 countries from different parts of our planet.

The aims of the ISCPP2024 Congress are to unite specialists in clinical medicine, theoretical medicine, as well as specialists in those areas of biological sciences that border on clinical areas. Also, one of the most important goals of ISCPP2024 is to provide a platform for young scientists, to give them the opportunity to develop as doctors, scientists, and researchers.
The Congress brings together specialists in head and neck diseases, general practitioners, psychologists, neurologists, surgeons, physiologists, pathologists, biologists, rehabilitation specialists, and phonopedists. The main connecting link between these doctors, scientists, and researchers is HUMAN, the body, as well as the line when the norm turns into maladaptation and pathology, and then into disease.

Working languages ISCPP2024 English, Russian, Spanish. Рабочие языки ISCPP2024 английский, русский, испанский. Idiomas de trabajo ISCPP2024 Inglés, Ruso, Español.

We hope that ISCPP2024 will be useful for you and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things!

ISCPP2024 President
DSc, Professor
Valentin Popadyuk
ISCPP2024 Co-president
Dr, MD, MSc, Professor
Ramón Hernández Villoria
ISCPP President
DSc, Professor
Galina Drozdova